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Title Kai-Uwe
Description Homepage of Kai-Uwe Homepage of Kai-Uwe Carstensen Information about Kai-Uwe Carstensen I am a language-oriented cognitive scientist. That means, I am working in the interdis
Keywords Kai-Uwe Carstensen, Computerlinguistik, Sprachtechnologie, Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie, computational linguistics, language technology, cognitive semantics, language and space, language and cognition, spatial relations
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HtmlToTextCheckTime:2022-06-04 00:51:33
Homepage of Kai-Uwe Carstensen Information about Kai-Uwe Carstensen I am a language-oriented cognitive scientist. That means, I am working in the interdisciplinary field of linguistics, computational linguistics, artificial intelligence and psychology (plus some more) which constitutes cognitive science . In other words, I am interested in how language relates to the world via cognitive representations and psychological processes. I am one of the few who believe, and for more than 25 years now say, that selective attention plays an important role in cognition, much more important than currently acknowledged. “The problem of understanding the relation between concepts and perception is about as fundamental as any which we currently face, and the key to it is provided by the notion of selective attention.” John Campbell Besides these theoretical concerns, I have always had a great interest in the practical applications of computational linguistics / natural language processing (language
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